I try not be political in my postings, as this is really supposed to be about me growing up. Well, I still have a ton of it to do and there will be hundreds, if not thousands, of opportunities for me to rant about it. However, with the Iraq war going as badly as it is (some have likened it to the Vietnam fiasco - I tend to agree) and Christmas right around the corner I felt I needed to at least say something.
I read a story today about a lady sending her son Silly String - the soldiers are using it to detect trip wires around bombs. Ingenious use for the stuff (personally I can't stand it..but I digress again. Ha!). I think the soldiers know how to improvise and protect their butts, so I'm all for it. I advocate that the Army take money from the general federal fund for $1,000 toilet seats and issue a few truckloads of silly string instead. Toilet seats aren't saving anyone last time I checked; I for one, can do without a toilet seat but not my life. So for anyone that reads this contact Mrs. Shriver in Jersey and send her some silly string!
Now, my youngest is seriously thinking about joining the Marines at some point. I am torn about it. On one hand, I am proud that he wants to serve; on the other, I am petrified because of all the messes Mr. Bush has gotten us into. And the Marines, well, they go in first. My heart breaks for every Marine mom that lost a son anywhere (and the Army, Air Force and Navy mom's too). I cannot imagine going through that. I yell at him for not doing his chores, or slacking off on his homework... but he's still my baby. My youngest, my last. Saving Private Ryan was a good movie, but gut wrenching.
I don't really have a lot more to add right now. I suppose in a way, we all try to tune it out to keep from losing our marbles over our boys and girls dying over there. Or anywhere for that matter. What a mess this truly is.