Sunday, April 29, 2007
I did it. I actually did it! Germany here I come!
After months of preparations, sending out resumes, interviewing transatlantically (is that even a word?) I have a job offer! I am so excited! The position is in the northern part of Germany in Bremen, very nice town and one of the oldest in the country.

I have received so much negative feedback from all kinds of folks the past few months that I was beginning to believe they were right. Most specifically, most everyone told me that I am just too old at 43 and that no one would hire me. They were WRONG!! There is a job for everyone out there, you just have to find the one that is the perfect fit for you, an employer that wants what you have to offer and off you go!

I thought about calling my sister and give her the good news, but considering she just lost her job and is having trouble with her apartment... I don't think it's a great idea.

The universe must really love me as I have already found an apartment as well. I am still negotiating with the landlord, but I think it's a go. Some folks in the same company moved over in Feb and still haven't found anything! I think it helps that I speak fluent German.

Wow. I am so excited. Off to celebrate!
posted by Gina at 12:55 PM | Permalink | 1 comments

Quotation of the Day

Friday, April 27, 2007
Life as we know it...
So many things have changed since the beginning of this year. It seems that I am undergoing a transformation that at first was subtle but now has definitely picked up momentum.

The job hunt in Europe is still going strong and I am interviewing with several companies in Germany, England and Switzerland. We'll see what happens on that front.

On the other hand, I have quit smoking after almost 29 years of the nasty buggers polluting my life and body. I won't say it has been a piece of cake but with the assistance of Chantix it has been manageable and I am proud to say that I am now a non-smoker!

And then there's this whole life-changing feeling that seems to permeate everything these days. I spend a lot of time thinking and pondering the meaning of myself and my life. As in, if I died today who would miss me other than my children? Who would mourn me? Would the world even remember me?? What do I have to show for my 43 years of my life?

I graduated with my MBA on March 26, 2007. Yay me. What didn't happen was a feeling of accomplishment and pride. I was just done and that was that. I've always been that way. I set my goals and twist heaven and earth to get there - but once I am, it's like...okay, NEXT! I am constantly challenging myself to something else. So I suppose starting over in Europe is my next challenge. I am going at the search and finalization of this goal with the same gusto that I persued my college education.

I haven't posted in so long, what with my head stuck in revamp-mode, that I am a little disjointed with my thoughts right now. I think I will leave today alone and try again tomorrow... :)
posted by Gina at 8:24 AM | Permalink | 0 comments

Quotation of the Day

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