Sunday, May 25, 2008
Foray into current politics

I'm not generally a very politically engaged person but have been inspired by the phenom Barack Obama. He is the first presidential candidate that I have ever donated money to. Being far removed in Germany at the moment I can't help with volunteers, canvass or phonebanking - but I can express nevertheless my unwaivering support.

Yesterday I entered "my" regular chat room on AOL (Places: Charlotte for anyone who cares to know). The usual banter took place and I can't even recall how the conversation took a turn into politics. Considering Obama on the state handily I expected to see support and enthusiasm. Instead the chat turned ugly, at times brutally racist (the N...word was thrown about a LOT!) and the right wing conservatives outnumbered everyone else probably 6-1. No matter what I said or how logical my argument for Obama, I was shot down with hateful verbal beatings. To say that I was in utter shock and dismay is an incredible understatement.

I really don't want to get into details of the entire chat mess but I will say that I am disappointed and ashamed. I thought Charlotte was better than that. Sweeping generalization of the entire Charlotte population is not intended but there you have it. I saw ugliness, hate and racism in a raw form that took my breath away. I gave up after an hour of defending my views and my candidate of choice. It's probably time I found myself a different crowd to virtually hang out with.

posted by Gina at 3:47 AM | Permalink |


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