Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Life as a single mom of a teenager
Can we say puberty induced insanity? I cannot even count how many times I've gotten calls and emails from my son's teachers, principal, counselor, vice-principal and janitor the last two weeks. Ok, the janitor I made up but he may as well have joined the fray!

I honestly wonder what is going through his head these days and I truly am about to snap. I walk through the halls at work huffing and puffing like old lady Higgins because I am constantly stressed about him. I see the school's number on my caller ID and instantly my eyes dart toward my wayward kid, "What did you do now?" Naturally he professes innocence 9 times out 10; and 9 times out of 10 he's making up stories.

I keep telling him he should become a lawyer with his gift of inventing unfortunate circumstances. The boy can fabricate some whoppers I tell you. If he spent half that much energy on his grades he'd be valedictorian 10 times over!

I've been a bit consumed with all this teenage issues lately. What followed was neglect of my other musings, hiding out in TV land and generally mulling this over until my head hurt. I've hit up friends and acquaintences for advice all over the place as well. I didn't always like the answers seems most of it seems to boil down to me having spoiled him rotten and there I have it.

I will admit that me being a single mom for most of his life has somewhat led me to spoil him a little; but I cannot for the life of me recall instilling this utter sense of entitlement and non-responsibility in him. Where do they get this stuff? As in, everything you have is mine, and everything I have is mine. I didn't raise him that way and I am totally stunned and somewhat at a loss. Maybe a good ass whoppin' would do him good.

Now I am off to pick him up from school since he got himself kicked out for 10 days. Nice little lunch line brawl I hear....
posted by Gina at 3:10 PM | Permalink |


  • At 3:50 AM, Blogger Unknown

    Came by to wish you and yours a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING. I am in awe of effective, single parents. I think you are doing an amazing job and I hope you acknowledge yourself regularly for it.


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