Friday, April 27, 2007
Life as we know it...
So many things have changed since the beginning of this year. It seems that I am undergoing a transformation that at first was subtle but now has definitely picked up momentum.

The job hunt in Europe is still going strong and I am interviewing with several companies in Germany, England and Switzerland. We'll see what happens on that front.

On the other hand, I have quit smoking after almost 29 years of the nasty buggers polluting my life and body. I won't say it has been a piece of cake but with the assistance of Chantix it has been manageable and I am proud to say that I am now a non-smoker!

And then there's this whole life-changing feeling that seems to permeate everything these days. I spend a lot of time thinking and pondering the meaning of myself and my life. As in, if I died today who would miss me other than my children? Who would mourn me? Would the world even remember me?? What do I have to show for my 43 years of my life?

I graduated with my MBA on March 26, 2007. Yay me. What didn't happen was a feeling of accomplishment and pride. I was just done and that was that. I've always been that way. I set my goals and twist heaven and earth to get there - but once I am, it's like...okay, NEXT! I am constantly challenging myself to something else. So I suppose starting over in Europe is my next challenge. I am going at the search and finalization of this goal with the same gusto that I persued my college education.

I haven't posted in so long, what with my head stuck in revamp-mode, that I am a little disjointed with my thoughts right now. I think I will leave today alone and try again tomorrow... :)
posted by Gina at 8:24 AM | Permalink |


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