Sunday, July 30, 2006
Great man shortage, Part Deux
I seem to have sparked some sort of blog debate with my previous post, "The great man shortage". While I can agree with Dennis to a certain extend that yes, the pool of eligible bachelors does shrink as we get older, I cannot agree that I should lower my standards and settle. What's up with that? Why am I not entitled to want a partner that complements me? I'm certainly not desperate or whining as this Finnish gent seems to think.

I've been married. So the stats being quoted really refer to women over the age of 35 previously UN-married. I am way ahead of the game. Ha!

I get propositioned by the 20somethings on up all the time. Am I interested in a quick fling? Hell no. I want a "quality" guy (as my oldest puts it), that doesn't have the unbearable urge to sow his oats, impress the female population with his car/job/money..whatever. But I digress again.

I'm not going to apologize and stand by my statement: There is a man shortage. Ha!
posted by Gina at 2:42 PM | Permalink |


  • At 3:17 PM, Blogger Andy

    Stand your ground, Gina! They're out there. My current interest used to say the same thing, but she found ME.

    Not once did I ever consider the fact that she has a daughter (who also has a daughter) an impediment.

    (I guess you'd really have to ask her if she "settled" or not. I'd like to think NOT.)

  • At 9:34 PM, Blogger Dennis Mangan

    If you read any other posts on my blog you'd know that there was a recent vigorous discussion of "the woman shortage". There's some evidence for it (demographics etc.) but it mostly hits younger, non-alpha men, because older men and alphas get more women than the rest (of us). I think that your "man shortage" hypothesis is more a function of being picky, and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm picky too. And for me, there's a woman shortage.


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