Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Daddy's Girl

I like my job, I think I am lucky enough to have a great boss too. He never badgers me for anything and is one of the last hands-off types; as I said, great boss. I have no complaints. The pickle I am often in has nothing to do with my boss.

Before we were taken over by a much larger corporation (not dropping names, ok?), the managers in the office were mostly comprised of my boss - and his children. Well, adult children. The son left official employ but is still freelancing on some IT stuff; the daughter is still there as office manager. Now, I like her as a person, she can be fun. As a co-worker she sometimes drives me up the wall.

On occassion I have to ask her for things, paperwork mostly....or ask her to do certain things that fall within her area. Inevitably she will go next door to my boss' office to question him about it. That in itself is annoying. However, this is also accompanied with a "Daddy! I have a question!?" This sort of thing goes on all the time. Daddy this, Dad that. Am I being overly sensistive?

Methinks that a professional environment as such does not include a mid-40s woman whining "Daddy" when she has a question. It is just so unprofessional in my opinion. And often I also feel that no matter what I say or do, how brilliantly I perform etc. - it will always come down to me not being able to top "Daddy!". That didn't come out right.

The son is tolerable, although he also calls him "Dad", it just sounds more..well, masculine I suppose. Why am I having such a problem with her then? Is it the tone of voice? The pitch of "Daddy" that grates on my nerves like nails on a chalkboard? Or is there some rivalry in play as well?

Could be that I truly want to impress my boss with my feats but feel this is impossible since his little girl will always beat me out? I think I'm being silly. Or am I?

posted by Gina at 5:28 PM | Permalink |


  • At 1:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    I'm glad I found you too. But are you familiar with the verb "dooced?" (past tense here) I don't know the story, but Dooce, whose blog is justifiably considered Most Popular from here to Azerbijian, apparently dissed her boss(es?) on her blog and felt the serious sting of reprisal. Again I don't know the details, but I kind of hope Daddy's Girl doesn't browse the blogosphere. Do you hate unsolicited advice? Tell me to shut up if you want, I won't take it personally. Lisa

  • At 2:09 PM, Blogger Gina

    Hye Lisa!

    Yup, heard about that whole situation. Was just wrong on my opinion. I thought about it before I posted it but feel reasonably safe that she's not reading blogs. :) I could be wrong. Hum. Oh well.

  • At 8:12 PM, Blogger Andy

    Ugh... nepotism is rarely a good thing in the workplace. That's why most large companies won't allow relatives to work together in the same department... but even THEN it can be problematic.

    I've been there, and I feel for you. One day I'll add a new chapter my recent post in which I mentioned "Mr 51%" and tell the sordid tale of nepotism when I worked in hell.


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