Friday, August 18, 2006
It's your brain, stupid!

I am a Sci-Fi nut; I believe in extraterrestrial life, a civilization beyond our own and believe homo sapiens to be extra-ordinarily arrogant to think otherwise. In such a vast expanse of a universe that no human being can wrap their brains around...why would we, or could we, ever believe to be the only living thing out there? To me, this seems ludicrous.

I read metaphsyical texts, as well as Plato and Socrates (yes, I do, really) and philosophy has always centered around the one question "Why are we here and could we be more?"

My favorite Sci-Fi show isn't about aliens invading or little green men leaving crop circles. I will readily admit that Friday nights are generally reserved to being glued to the tube watching SG-1 battle yet another foe and the like. I just love those for the entertainment value. No, my favorite show is Roswell. I realize it's been taken off the air for quite a while now (thank goodness for re-runs) but the premise of the show still gives so much food for thought.

For brevity sake I won't recap episodes or even the plot or cast. I will only say this much - it has gotten me to thinking... what IF we as a people truly could develop the ability to use more than the measly 10% of our brains we use now? What IF, we truly could develop our cerebral cortex to enhance our abilities and perform feats only seen in super hero movies? What if??

Nobody really knows the true nature of our brains, nor how the neurons interact with anything else or what a soul is. It has been the debate of thousands of scientists over hundreds of years and we are no closer to the answer now, nor do I believe that we will truly ever be. Some things just cannot be explained - they just are!

I would love to have the ability to move things with a mere thought, or alter the molecular structure of things (how about changing an Explorer into a Ferrari? Ha!..just kidding), or perhaps turn all the deserts of the world into plains of crop? Methinks this would be amazing.

I am fascinated by the thought that if we could find a way to harness the true powers of our brains, just by say, a mere additional 10 percent or so - amazing things could happen. But then it strikes me, any ability that can be used for good can also be used in reverse.

So what if, we develop these amazing abilities - regardless of race, creed or conviction? I can see armageddon in that scenario. I cannot even begin to imagine if the necessity of weapons became pointless as everyone would have an ability to murder people at will. We as a people have always throughout history exhibited this innate need to fall into one spectrum or another. Either we are good or evil. People have always killed, people have always loved.

Entering these abilites into the equation without a fail safe spells certain doom to me. Don't get me wrong, I would like nothing better than to be able to study and just look at the page...BOOM, it's there. ::sigh:: For the time being, I will have to do it the hard way and actually read all those books.

Just do think about it though....with every good thing that comes your way there has to be a counterforce. A ying to the yang. This is how it has always been, and always will be.

posted by Gina at 6:42 PM | Permalink |


  • At 6:25 AM, Blogger Arthur


    Loved the blog, or at least this entry, but just cannot work out how you can like lamb chops! Oh the cruelty of it all. Those poor little baby sheeps.

    So you like SG eh? But if I may ask; you reckon it is arrogant of man to think his is the only "universe" that might exist. So OK, there's other life, and probably other intelligent life out there but the question I would like your opinion on is; has it been here?

  • At 11:32 AM, Blogger Gina

    Well...Arthur I would answer that with a resounding...errrm. Yeah, I believe they have. Why not?

    However if I came from a race obviously vastly superior to us, what would be the point in establishing contact? Do we have anything to offer them? With our bloody history and continuus mayhem..hell *I* want to get off this planet sometimes!

  • At 4:07 PM, Blogger Arthur

    Well, you like Stargate. Occassionally they end up on planets where the natives are behind us technologically and politically. So in that instance the Humans are the superior race and yet are there, visiting, making a nuisance of themselves. I don't think the fact that we might be so far behind other life forms diminishes the attraction of coming here. Who knows - we might be good eating.

    Assuming altruism, I think we'd be worth investigating. For all our madness, stupidity, knuckle dragging reactionism, we are also an adventurous, empathic, spirited bunch. Close your eyes and elevate yourself, in your mind, 100 miles above the planet and look down. You see diversity, beauty, and potential.

    Much to admire, (cue that stupid Louis Armstrong song).

    Have a good weekend


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