Monday, August 14, 2006
It was one of those mornings where I kept rolling over trying to stay asleep. I fought the emergence from dreamland for as long as I could and finally spat out, “Dammit!” and got up. I am not a morning person. As a matter of fact, I am downright grouchy when I first wake up and rattling my cage before I had coffee is generally ill advised. Perhaps it’s a reaction to having to leave my land of dreams where anything and everything is possible. I have entire movies playing up there in full Technicolor and Dolby surround sound – it’s an awesome experience. Hence, I hate to get up.

Strangely enough, when I’m in a committed relationship that includes the sharing of my bed, I can get up just fine. I don’t mind it one bit. I’ll cuddle and spoon and snuggle for a few minutes and then happily bounce out of bed off to the kitchen for coffee. I can go about my morning with a smile and not think twice about rousing a grumpy teenager out of bed. Maybe it’s the knowledge that someone else is there to lift some of the burden of living. It can get downright ugly out there! Two heads are better than one and two bodies snuggled under the blankets provide much more protection against the onslaught of reality.

My dreams have become my safe havens over the years. It’s a place where I can be anyone, see anyone and do anything without repercussions. Mornings like today, I still wish I could turn and spoon up to a better half. 7 more hours before I can go back to sleep.
posted by Gina at 3:25 PM | Permalink |


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