Sunday, August 20, 2006
Resistance is futile...

Part of corporate takeovers is change. Sometimes small and subtle changes, sometimes sweeping and painful ones. Our company changed from a small distribution company to a subsidiary of a global German corporation. Employees were inevitably laid off due to these mergers, such is the dynamic of ever increasing demand for cutting costs.

I was brought in to replace one of those laid off but feel at the moment that even my job security is nill to none. Expectations from our German parent company are often (in my opinion) unreasonable. They are so far removed from our daily operations that trying to explain what we were up against was a thorough attempt at futility. They want what they want, when they want it.

Most of the office staff has been around for a number of years (me excluded) and were certainly used to doing things a certain way. For months I've been told to stop doing this and that immediately but when I passed this information on..well, it fell on deaf ears. People can be so resistant to change they just don't hear anything.

Friday afternoon I was subjected to a barrage of expletives from one of the corporate folks, I passed this on once again. Although I have responsibility over my realm as it where I have no influence on actually bringing about these changes. Instead, here it is Sunday morning and I am heading to the office to fix the problems that should've been fixed months ago. I am not happy. Not happy at all.

I've experienced a couple of mergers in my career and inevitably there is always someone that just flat out refuses to succumb to the changes and continues going about their daily routine as though nothing had ever changed at all. So here we are, in damage control mode when we could've been proactive and staved off all this Sunday work crapola.

I think this is true for just about any change in our lives. We hold on to what is familiar because it gives us a sense of comfort. When the changes are forced upon us we have the uncanny ability to ignore them, go into complete denial and then wonder why the rug is eventually pulled out from underneath us. Such a human thing, really. We do not want to change, we like things just the way they are...

I for one try to embrace change whenever I can and chalk it off to a learning experience. I'm not always entirely succesful at this, but hey... I am human too. So off to work I go on a sunny Sunday morning, when I should be lounging on the couch playing remote control jockey. Isn't change grand?
posted by Gina at 9:44 AM | Permalink |


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