Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Come to the dark side.....

I think over the years I've developed a case of impatience. I find myself sitting in traffic, moving two feet every five minutes and quietly seething until I blow up. I get irritated when drivers cut in and pissed when I let them in (in my generous moments) and they don't even say thank you.

I don't mind parking on the far side of the lot at the grocery store and walking a bit, but I do mind inconsiderate drivers cutting in my path, backing out of their spots without even looking where they are going. I try to be a conscientious driver, pay attention to traffic and don't generally get into wild antics (like doing 60 in a 35) that could get myself hurt.

I find that a lot of people on the road these days have no business being there. Someone ought to forcibly drag them through the driver's window and extract their license by any means necessary. Part of the problem in this town is the hundreds, if not thousands, of unlicensed illegal immigrants driving. I'm not going to harp on that issue today, I'm already irritated enough (illigal immigration I mean) but really. Every police road block produces tons of arrests for driving on suspended, revoked or no license at all. Lot of accidents happening with crazy drivers eating, talking, primping, reading - all while driving at 70 miles an hour. For God sakes!

The city is growing by leaps and bounds, there's always road construction going on and yet - we have no workable throughways. Everything is constantly backed up, jam packed and generally a nightmare. And it's starting to get to me. I actually find myself cursing people out - out loud; whereas before I would just quietly give them the evil eye. Now I am spewing forth unmentionables and staring folks straight in the eye while banging on my steering wheel.

I'm a woman (last time I checked anyway) but most women are the worst drivers - ever! I can't even count how many times I've gotten stuck behind a lady doing 45 on the freeway just stoically staring ahead while the rest of us are checking our watches and cursing her out for making us late to wherever we are going. Or the cell phone issue. Boy. What is so damn important that you have to be talking on the cell while you are driving? You are swerving all over the road, cutting people off changing lanes and are being a total irritant! What did you do before they invented cell phones? Send smoke signals to the other party to alert them to your imminant arrival?

So I have this dark side now; I don't particularly like it. For some reason it makes me feel better though to curse like a sailor at all the other idiots on the road. Or maybe I should give up big city living and get back to the country. Wait - that's exactly what I did when I moved here! Mid sized town with a country feel; now they've turned into a metropolis that attracts all the horrible things that come with big city living... traffic and morons. But I digress..... come to dark side.. I'm already there....

posted by Gina at 7:24 PM | Permalink |


  • At 8:08 PM, Blogger Andy

    "Darth Gina",

    I'm right there with you. I still contend I'm the only SANE person on the road these days. And of course, I'm especially sensitive to road idiots since my car is still pretty new.

    Perhaps if they institute capital punishment for traffic offenses? I'd vote for it, for sure!


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