Saturday, September 16, 2006
Drowning in boxes

I've been missing a few days, mainly because I am virtually drowning in boxes. I've taken advantage of some great Labor Day sales and replaced my oven, the cooktop and my coffee tables, plus added a sofa table.

None of this stuff comes pre-assembled (well, except for the appliances) and is stuffed into oversized cardboard boxes. It took me 5 minutes to get the sofa table out of the box and almost over an hour to figure out the instructions to put the thing together. All Chinese to me. It's done but I think I missed a few screws - looks a little uneven. Ha! The perils of not having a handyman around. sigh.

Trying to break down this cardboard box mess has left me with a stack almost 3 feet high! I realize this stuff is supposed to be recycable but the city won't actually come and get it unless I cut it into neat little 3x3 squares. Ugh. I don't even have a box cutter.

Hence, I've abused various kitchen knives in an attempt to get the desired 3x3 size; it's not working real well. Turns out it is a great stress reliever though to just jump on them and crush them. I think I hurt my ankle on one of my jumps - those appliance boxes are pretty strong.

Anyway.... those darn boxes remind me of myself a little. Various folks in my past have attempted to fit me into neat little boxes according to their specifications. Now, I get pretty rebellious when forced to fit and I am pretty tough to break down. Hence I think the frustrated "fitter" often tried to jump on me and just make it fit. Never worked. I was put out to the curb a couple of times due to my reluctance to conform and a few times I put myself out. You just cannot make someone fit.

The older I get the more I revel in my individuality and my skin gets a little thicker each year as well. Maybe I should try to be a bit more pliable but I just can't seem to find it within myself to bend too much. I am content living outside of the box, thank you very much.

As for this buggers all over my floor, they will get put out to the curb no matter what size they are.
posted by Gina at 9:24 AM | Permalink |


  • At 8:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    You could say that I live outside the box, too. Come visit my 40-something blog....


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