Monday, September 25, 2006
Coming out of hiding....
I've neglected my blog somewhat the past week or so. There is a perfectly good reason for that and while I feel a bit reluctant to put it out there - I'm going to do it anyway. That's how brave I am! Ha!

I've had an ex resurface after many years. Again. He's like a boomerang that just will not quit coming back. This is the same one that sort of left his wife for me (without informing her), that ended up leaving me for some other woman, eventually bounced back to me...well, you get the picture. I've been done with it for a long time. Years. I've moved on.

Every once in a while he will surface again and want to reminisce or whatever the purpose may be, I'm not sure. I made the mistake to email him a few times, I should've never done that. What was I thinking!!

In the meantime, I've noticed that he's found my blog (darn siggy's) and has repeatedly come back to read. Well, I suppose I am out there in the blogosphere exposed and any Tom, Dick or Jane can read what I have to say. I just never thought one of the masses would be him. In a weird sort of way I felt violated.

I tried to ignore it, but every time I sat down to write I found that I would censor myself, my words, my thoughts. Always thinking... "what if he thinks this is about him?" As in one of my previous posts about the love of my life. And no, it had nothing to do with him. He read it like 51 times though. Almost obsessive methinks.

However, today I thought, dammit, this is my blog! Why am I giving him power that I took back years ago? This is truly counterproductive and a little retarded. So here I am... Maybe he will stay gone after he reads this....
posted by Gina at 8:48 PM | Permalink |


  • At 5:38 PM, Blogger Unknown

    I just don't get lurkers. I have a certain person who visits my blog as well. Although we do know each other, we do not have a friendship of any value or meaning. I can't imagine what this person finds of interest given he has no interest in me or my family. It really irritates me when people repeatedly vist my blog yet leave no trace - what is that all about? (I am really not a blogger obsessed with how many comments I get - but if you drop in, say hi!)

  • At 5:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    That's the beauty of me only blogging on technology no worries about people lurking and getting to know me, expect for my occasional post on beach trips or car shopping (yes I am still car shoppin... ;-)

  • At 9:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    I'm glad you're out of hiding. Phew. That was quite a hide. Hello again.

    But it is inhibiting sometimes to know that this person or that will read your blog and think one thing or another. I occasionally wish my boyfriend never knew my blog existed. His access deprives me of an entire subject, and boy is it a good one.

  • At 10:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    That last comment made no sense. For some reason I didn't look at the date and assumed you were out of "hiding" from your recent funk, which, by the way, sounds kind of familiar. Familiar and awful. Please excuse the careless reading.

  • At 11:39 AM, Blogger Gina

    Thanks for all the comments guys (and gals, of course). The "lurker" has not returned as far as I can tell. I now have much bigger fish to fry and obsess about. Ha!


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